PERENNIAL HYDRA TURB SERIES are premium quality, double inhibited, turbine oils specially designed for use in wide variety industrial and marine equipment including most demanding circulation systems. These turbine oils are formulated from turbine quality, chemically stable high Viscosity Index paraffinic base stocks. The inherent stability of base stocks is further enhanced by the addition of selected inhibitors which provide resistance to thermal degradation over long periods of times in the presence of entrained air and catalyzed metals found in steam turbine systems. These oils are inhibited with rust inhibitors, metal deactivators and some additives to enhance the film strength. Besides, they are also inhibited with demulsifier which permits water and other contaminants to readily separated from the oil in the system reservoir. These oils exceed the normal requirements of :
- General Electric GEK 32568A and 32568B/ GE/ Alsthom for gas turbine systems
- AFNOR NFE 48603HL / BS 489 / DIN 51515 ( L-TD oils) / DIN 51524 part 1
- US Steel 126 / MIL-L-17672 B, C, D / MIL-L-17331 G, H / Cincinnati Milacron P-38, P-54, P-55 and 57
- Denison HF 1 / Siemens/ KWU TLV 9013 04/01 – All for steam turbine and R&O oils